
Following is a list of books by Charles Schlee. For information about the author, go to Author – Charles Schlee .

Into the Wind (, 2021).   Poems about naming the humanity that resides—and often hides—within.        

Life’s Ballet (, 2020).  Poems about some of the many ways in which we choreograph our lives.

Random Lore (, 2019).  Poems that invite us to seek insight in even the simplest experiences. 

An Anguished Crack in Being (, 2018, revised 2021).  An answer to the question with which Sartre ends Being and Nothingness: How are we to understand a freedom that wants to be a freedom?

You Come Too (, 2006, revised 2019).  Poems that invite us to explore the ever-expanding universe within.

Stepping into the Void (, 2005).   A memoir about the author’s search for meaning.

These books are also available on and .